
Electric Vehicles: The Next Big Business Opportunity

Electric Vehicles: The Next Big Business Opportunity

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Often without anyone truly noticing it, a major evolution is happening that will change the financial, economic, and cultural landscape. Currently, that monumental shift involves electric vehicles. EVs are quietly growing in numbers and speeding past fossil fuel reliant, gas guzzling vehicles, with many auto manufacturers announcing plans to make more and more EV models - as we predicted in early 2015. Sooner than the public might realize, all forms of transportation, cars, trains, boats, buses, etc. will be 100% electric.


For any civilization to thrive, new technology and its advanced equipment must be embraced. That said, within the next 13 years, or by the year 2030, 15% of all vehicles, in the world will be electric.

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Putting electric vehicles on the road is only a small part of the paradigm shift. With this conversion to cleaner, smarter, more efficient technologies come new business opportunities that reach far beyond simple transit manufacturing and releasing those vehicles on the road. A few of the most dynamic business model alterations will include a variety of current systems and new, never before seen, institutions.


1 ) Utilities and the electrical grid

With a growing demand for electricity to charge the new electric vehicles, current infrastructure may not be able to handle demand. Even with sufficient modification to present systems, there will still be a need for more agile and dynamic energy solutions, like solar and wind. The demand for updating inadequate electric framework will grow exponentially. 

2 ) Solar Power

Additionally, the demand for manufacturing and installation of solar panels and solar battery systems will increase. Solar is a more cost-effective way to charge your EV and your entire home. No longer functioning power plants could also see new life as solar farms.

3 ) Wind Power

Wind power will continue to grow in popularity and become a more widespread supplement to current and future energy options.

4 ) Charging Stations

Simply plugging an EV into a garage outlet is a very slow and inefficient solution, currently. A specialized charging station will need to be installed in homes to support all of the new found green machines. The need for EV charging station manufacturers and certified installers will flourish.

5 ) Battery Manufacturing

Yes, EVs are cleaner and smarter, but the batteries they run on, are not infinite in power and wear. The development of new power sources and assembly of batteries will also create new business opportunities.

6 ) Dynamic Roadways

Driving your EV on a conductive roadway, will also become a charging reality. The development and retrofitting of current highway infrastructure, all over the world, will see the need for specialized workers and materials spike.

In addition to these job and manufacturing benefits, the shift to electric vehicles, obviously, also has a huge impact on the environment.

Reduced noise pollution: EVs are much quieter than gas powered vehicles and provide an overall smoother experience, even at higher accelerations.

Less air pollution: Electric vehicles are 100% eco-friendly as they produce zero toxic gases. Due to its battery power, EVs are not only healthier for the environment but also humans. Breathing clean air is a benefit to everyone.

Cleaner Cities: In addition to a quieter atmosphere and cleaner air, imagine a world where there are no fuel related emissions. Direct emissions, from tail pipes and gas evaporation and life cycle emissions related to fuel and fuel powered vehicle production, processing, distribution, use, and recycling/disposal could be eliminated completely. Overall, a more refined civilization.

Whether you are a believer in the electric vehicle business boom or not, it is coming. Silently rolling toward us with profound benefits, not just for the planet, but for all of society.

As EVs continue to progress and the transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy grows, it’s obvious that the business opportunity for all is heightened exponentially. Carbon-free transportation can only truly exist when properties follow suit. CARBON RECALL is a company that can help you integrate all of your renewable energy needs, not just for the electric vehicle in your garage, but your entire home. We can seamlessly integrate a carbon free, complete lifestyle for everyone.


Click one of the links below to learn more about us. Franchise opportunities with CARBON RECALL are available in markets across the United States.







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